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> SC-1 Mic Preamp Kit

NEW!!! SC-1 Mic Preamp Kit
Status: Under Development:

May 26, 2007


Found a software called TrueRTA (Windows only). So I hooked up my new Tascam FW-1804 to my PC laptop, installed the freeware version of the software and did some testing. I'll probably buy the full version of this software so I can have more resolution.

But I think it looks pretty good. Difference between the peak and valleys are less than +/- 0.5 dB according to the graph.

I'm just relieved that there were no surprises for me... hate to hook it up and find out it looks like a big everest mountain. Nope... we're flat as a the Bonneville salt flats. I'm happy.


May 29 Update!

Okay, got my serial# for my TrueRTA.... The QuickSweep button is now enabled allowing me to do freq. response in one click.

[Quick Sweep] is a short digitally generated sweep (chirp) to measure the frequency response of electronic and acoustical systems.

And here is the result... each horizontal line is a 1dB difference. Scale shows -10dBu to +10dBu.

At 10Hz, we only rolled-off by what? about -0.5dB from the look of the graph?

20Hz to 20Khz is hugging the 0dB line very closely. Not even +/-0.25dB I would think.



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