Altec 1599A

Home > Studio Recording DIY Projects> Altec 1599A Upgrade

Planned Upgrades

I'm thinking of replacing the power supply using modern components. Also, replacing all electrolytic capacitors for better filtering. I'm also thinking of replacing the transistor line driver preamps with opamps. It would be nice to have individual outs from each of the six (6) channel preamp. 

I envision the 6 outputs of these unit going into a bigger mixer (like my Mackie) or through compressors and what not.

Here's my test circuit. For convenience, I'm just using a 9V battery to power my experimental circuit. Using alligator clips, I hooked it up directly to the outputs of the mic preamp cans, into my opamp circuit.

Another shot of my workbench, with an oscilloscope connected to my new line driver preamp. Looking good.

The next step is creating a custom made PCB that will fit inside the chassis, using the same mounting holes as the original PCB.

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